Thursday, 10 July 2008

HR is the new Facebook

This article in the same edition of Harvard Business Review is quite interesting too:Why did we ever go into HR?:

In particular;

"HR is poised to become the Facebook of the modern corporation. Many knowledge-management initiatives have failed because employees weren’t inspired to use them. Yet the rise of social-networking sites points to a widespread desire to connect with others who share your goals and interests. HR is uniquely positioned to connect people—and therefore knowledge, expertise, and mentorship possibilities—across an organization. For instance, leadership-development program alumni can participate in annual reunions hosted by a firm’s top brass and serve as advisers to current program students. Follow-ups such as these—and the programs themselves—help build networks of people from disparate parts of the organization and with vastly different areas of expertise."

I think the examples are a bit week, but I agree with the sentiment, the general importance of social networking, and HR's key role in making this happen.


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  1. don't they know that hr people don't read the harvard business review??

  2. Thanks Laurie, you made me smile!

    I guess they were probably thinking about their business cients (in Goldman Sachs, Lehmans etc) rather than the rest of us in HR...


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