Monday 11 May 2009

Talking HR 017: HR 2.0 - with book review: Collaboration (show notes)


      One of the titles Krishna and I considered using for “Talking HR” when we were setting it up last Summer was “HR 2.0” and in this episode, we talk about what we and other people mean by this term.

It’s clearly something to do with web 2.0 (which we discussed in episode 016).  But there’s also a potential link with management 2.0 which is explained in Gary Hamel’s recent book.  Referring back to his recent Bucharest presentation, Jon argues that the link is the social nature of the 2.0 tag (social media / more social management) and in fact, the differentiation between HR and HR 2.0 is the latter’s focus on producing social capital.

We also hear from James Tastard, VP of Corporate HR at Aker Solutions in Houston, Texas, about his views on HR / management / web 2.0.  Thanks enormously for your contribution James!


Krishna also talks about the new hiring network, Worky.  And Jon discusses recent CIPD findings on job satisfaction.


And we review a new book, ‘Collaboration’.




Listen to the podcast: you can download the podcast to your hard drive or play it streaming from the web.


Talking HR is hosted by Krishna De and Jon Ingham and you can contact us with your thoughts and feedback about the show at talkinghrpodcast(at)

Follow Krishna on Twitter @krishnade and connect with her on LinkedIn

Follow Jon on Twitter @joningham and connect with him on LinkedIn



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  • Contact  me to  create more  value for  your business
  • jon  [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com


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