Saturday 1 August 2009

RSA Bloggers’ Circle


     As a Fellow of the Royal Society for Arts, Manufactures and Commerce (RSA), I’m delighted that this blog is now part of the recently formed ‘Bloggers Circle’, formed with support from the RSA to help amateur bloggers interested in public policy gain more impact and recognition for their posts.

The other blogs in the circle seem to deal primarily with political and charitable issues, whereas this one focuses mainly on social issues within organisations.  But I believe a lot of issues that are key concerns in society in general are also increasingly ones that organisations have to face, and that therefore, there is enough of an overlap between the other Circle blogs and this ones to make membership relevant and useful.

Therefore, I’ll be submitting some of my own posts to the circle and you’ll hopefully start to see some of them discussed by other circle members (I’ll let you know when they are).  And I’ll also be discussing some posts from other Circle members on this blog – beginning with my next post -

And if you’re interested in joining the circle, you’ll find info on how to do this here.





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  • jon [dot] ingham [at] social [dash] advantage [dot] com


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