Wednesday 17 November 2010

Collaborative capacity: The role of Culture in Enterprise 2.0


  So earlier this month, I delivered a session at the Santa Clara Enterprise 2.0 conference together with Margaret Schweer – a colleague of Tammy Erickson from nGeneral Insight (Moxie Software).

Margaret outlined the factors which are important in building collaborative capacity / culture, and some of the things organisations are doing to develop it.

I emphasised the need for E2.0 (and HR) practitioners to switch their focus to social outcomes like collaborative capacity (and/or I’d suggest other social outcomes such as innovation, speed, learning, customer service etc).

And I suggested the two key things companies wanting to take advantage of these opportunities need to do are:

  • Have a strategic / social intent – or mojo
  • Plan face-to-face and technological activities around this mojo and desired outcomes.


This is the important point - just implementing 2.0 technologies won’t necessarily produce these outcomes – you need to plan for them.

This doesn’t discount the role of emergence – but these things are too important to be left to chance.

Comments /thoughts?


See this write-up on the session.


Some of the tweets:

  • VictorHeredia: Interesting concept of Organizational Capabilities as an improvement of core competencies presented by @joningham at #e2conf
  • joningham: RT @VictorHeredia: @joningham:"Successful, sustainable collaboration platforms have to work for the individual" at #e2conf, and help the individual in his work
  • rdeis: Trust is essential for collaboration. For most, trust develops through relationships. Margaret Schweer @nGeneraInsight #e2conf
  • rdeis: Create employment practices consistent with a ?Community of Adults? Stop measuring time. Margaret Schweer @nGeneraInsight #e2conf
  • rdeis: Employees First, Customers Second. book by Vineet Nayar. Recommended by @joningham People, Culture, Behavior Session #e2conf
  • mijori23: RT @joningham Business people may not like the word ('social') - that's the problem. #e2conf Their customers use it - learn to like it!
  • joningham: RT@lehawes @roonoid Want to improve collaboration culture? First realize that most collaboration doesn't happen online #e2conf
  • jdthurber: @joningham I think it is more than that. "Social" doesn't really describe the full impact/purpose of the new "social corporation." #e2conf


And I liked this tweet from earlier on as well:

  • ITSinsider: "You're going to succeed or fail on culture." @bsandie presents for 30 min on adoption and has not yet talked technology. #e2conf


Why would you need to?


Picture credit: Ryan Coleman


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  • Contact  me to  create  more  value  for  your  business
  • jon [dot] ingham [at] social [dash] advantage [dot] com


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