Friday 10 December 2010

Empowered connectors and mavens


  I realise I didn’t do much of a review of Empowered in my last post. And there are some things in there which deserve a bit more focus.

The first is the idea of mass online influencers who help spread trends through the web. These consist of two groups (see picture) based on Malcolm Gladwell’s analysis from ‘Tipping Point’ – mass connectors who know a wide variety of other people through social networks (huge Twitter followings, lots of Facebook friends etc), and mass mavens - experts and post and comment on particular topics. [This seems to correspond in part to Chris Brogan’s differentiation of social from new media.]

Mass connectors are a small proportion of all online users but account for 80% of all ‘influence impressions’ about products and services. Mass mavens are a similarly small proportion of online users and account for 80% of all influence posts. Exactly what these proportions are depends on the product or service in question. The reason I make this point here is that I think the same analysis could be made for employees too – but not many organisations I know consider these mass connectors and mavens within their talent groups!

The second model I like is the endless marketing funnel which doesn’t end with people becoming customers but goes on to them broadcasting about their experiences, creating influence, and leading to more people entering the top of the funnel. Again, I think this applies to employees too, although here I’d point out that the actual employee, not just their influence, can re-enter the top of the funnel again (see my Strategic HCM post on career partnership).



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