Saturday 2 April 2011

Social Learning Conference


SLConf  I’ll also be chairing this social learning conference on 1st March 2012:


#SLCONF 2012 is aimed at connecting the learning community with global speakers and thought leaders, to share insights on Social Learning. We are pleased to have confirmed the following Keynote speakers. We will continue to update this page, so please check again soon!

Jane Hart / Founder, Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies

Jane Hart is the Founder of the Centre for Learning & Performance Technologies (C4LPT).

Jane is also the author of the Social Learning Handbook, which discusses the principles behind using social and informal approaches in the workplace, as well as provides guidance on how to use social media for working and learning smarter. More ...

Dan Pontefract / Senior Director, Head of Learning & Collaboration at TELUS

As Senior Director / Head of Learning & Collaboration at TELUS, Dan is responsible for the overarching learning & collaboration strategy for the company. He has driven a philosophical and cultural shift in the way TELUS views and experiences learning called “Learning 2.0”; the shift to a social, informal and formal learning and collaboration model for all 35,000+ team members, bringing TELUS to the forefront of learning leadership. More ...




  • Consulting  - Research - Speaking  -  Training -  Writing
  • Strategy   -  Team development  -  Web 2.0  -  Change
  • Contact  me to  create  more  value  for  your  business
  • jon [dot] ingham [at] social [dash] advantage [dot] com


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