I'm at SHRM's Annual Conference in Chicago this week.
One of the things I really like about this conference is that a lot of the presentation slides are out in advance (I've got until tomorrow to do mine). I did try to look through these in advance, but even 8 hours on the plane from London wasn't anywhere near enough to preview them. But here is what I take away as the main socially oriented presentations (currently through to later today and will update later.)
I'll be blogging on at least some of these - but since most of the sessions are naturally quite HR oriented, I'll be posting these at Strategic HCM rather than over here. (As you might have noticed, I don't get to post here that much these days anyway.)
Monday 17
- 7.00 David Miller, As the Social Media World Turns (basic overview of social media, from someone who doesn't seem to have a Twitter address)
- 7.00 Jennifer McClure, The Future of HR (looks a great session)
- 10.45 Richard Fegerlin, The Truth on Trust
- 10.45 Mike Reardon, Disney's Approach - not especially social, but definitely highly human!
- 10.45 Don Delves, The Pay Problem (some good slides on why CEO pay can demotivate and reduce collaboration with employees)
- 10.45 Matt Kaiser, Social Recruiting (some great insights, including from Matt's experience at Ericsson)
- 2.00 David Rock, The Neuroscience of Growing Talent (haven't seen the slides but expect lots of evidence for the importance of social connection)
- 2.00 Louis Richard Lessig, to BYOD or Not? (not strictly about social but an issue organisations frequently have to deal with as part of a move to social)
- 2.00 Stephen Frost, Diversity to a Deadline - London 2012 Games
- 4.00 Neal Goodman, Strategies to Build Cultural Competence
- 4.00 Trisha Zulic, Your Technology Wardrobe
- 4.00 Steve Boese, Harnessing Social Tools to Transform HR
- 4.00 Jason Lauritsen and Joe Gerstandt, Strategic Relationship Management
- Brad Karsh, Manager 3.0
- Sue Jones, Managing Workplace Conflicts
I hope others will be blogging on these sessions as well and would encourage those who do to share these on the Social HR community on Google+.
And a reminder my own session on 'The New (Social) HR' will be at 10.45 on Tuesday (after Dan Pink).
- Consulting - Research - Speaking - Training - Writing
- Strategy - Talent - Engagement - Change and OD
- Contact me to create more value for your business
- jon [dot] ingham [at] strategic [dash] hcm [dot] com
Technorati Tags: Social HR, SHRM, annual conference, Chicago
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