Tuesday 17 February 2009

MLab Management 2.0: Peter Cheese, Accenture


   Peter Cheese focused even more on how Generation Y is changing management work.

You probably already know, or have access to, all the statistics concerning the four generations in the workplace, so I’m not going to repeat these.

However, Cheese did provide a useful summary of Gen Y’s characteristics (from Don Tapscott).  The main one is Collaboration:

“Having a high degree of influence with networks.  Expecting to contribute to thought leadership and having a different view of authority in the workforce.”


The unfortunate side effect of this characteristic is that Gen Y can appear needy.  But this is actually about us (there were mainly baby boomers in the room) as parents – we need them to receive certificates for coming 5th, not them.


These characteristics of Gen Y do (should) have an impact on talent management and organisation:

  • Talent strategy –what skills and capabilities are needed
  • Employee value propositions targeted to specific talent segments such as Gen Y
  • New sources of talent accessible in different ways
  • New leadership and people management demands
  • New ways of learning and accessing knowledge
  • Collaboration and networking as management and organisational mantra
  • Enabling better innovation and engagement
  • Rapid change and organizational agility – learner, more networked.


Web 2.0 can help.  Marketing used to be three channels and is now multiples.  It’s the same in conencting to talent both internally and externally.


More importantly, we need to think more strategically – so relationship capital (Cheese’s term for social capital) – rather than just people.




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