Sunday 12 July 2009

Implementing Enterprise 2.0


Implementing Enterprise 20 The other book for which certain chapters have been made available online is Ross Dawson’s Implementing Enterprise 2.0.

Of particular interest to me is Chapter 11 – Social Networks in the Enterprise (and for my day job: Chapter 20 – Implications for HR, but this isn’t available without payment).

Dawson notes that:

“Social networks, while potentially extremely valuable to organisations, are possibly the most difficult of the Enterprise 2.0 suite of tools to implement successfully. The most important challenges are behavioural, though there are also notable technological challenges.”


In addition, there are particular challenges that need to be addressed in implementing internal social networks:

“The best focus for initial adoption of internal social networks is specific teams or groups, within which it can be fairly easy to gain majority or significant uptake in a brief period. These groups can then help seed contacts in other groups across the firm.”


This reminds me of some earlier posts touching on the different ways to introduce social media.

I actually think these different approaches relate to the three levels of value in the value triangle.  I’ll post further on this shortly.




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