Friday 29 July 2011

Acting as E2.0 SUMMIT Ambassador?


   Last year I went out Boston for for the Enterprise 2.0 conference there, and also presented at the Santa Clara follow-up.

This year, I’m staying closer to home.  I presented at the Social Business forum in Milan and hope to attend the Enterprise 2.0 summit in Paris this November too (Dates now 7-8 February,2012).

As to why I’m staying home, I think there are three main reasons – firstly, and least importantly, it’s due to pressure of work; secondly, I don’t think the agenda in the US is moving on that quickly, and thirdly I do think the agenda in Europe is catching up fast – so why go to the States when there is so much happening here?

My attendance however is going to depend upon free access to the conference, so I’m applying to be an ‘ambassador’.

I’ve not really fulfilled the conditions asked for by the organisers, and although I’ve left it too late to ask for ‘likes’ (and I don’t really like doing that anyway), I thought I’d explain here why I’d be a good ambassador:

  1. I’m very engaged and committed to this space.  Regardless of its current rate of development, I absolutely understand that Enterprise 2.0 is where most the interesting innovation in social organisational management has been taking place recently.
  2. I’ve got credibility in this agenda too, for example I’m going to chairing the UK’s major social management event, the Social Workplace Conference this October too.
  3. I’m not a typical attendee – my background is HR rather than IT, so I’ll help to bring the conference a new crowd – and a lot of people from the UK too
  4. I’m the sort of attendee that SHOULD be attending.  The challenge in Enterprise 2.0 isn’t about technology, its about people, culture and behaviour.  Enterprise 2.0 needs to engage HR better than it has.
  5. I’m an active conference blogger and will post here on Social Advantage, as well as I’m sure, on some of the more people oriented sessions over at Strategic HCM (which has got a rather bigger readership than here).


That should do it.  I hope it’s enough – and that you’ll be able to read my posts from the summit later on this year.



  • Consulting  - Research - Speaking  -  Training -  Writing
  • Strategy   -  Team development  -  Web 2.0  -  Change
  • Contact  me to  create  more  value  for  your  business
  • jon [dot] ingham [at] social [dash] advantage [dot] com


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