Wednesday 3 August 2011

Leading in the Love Shack


   I’m not doing too well in making progress on the love (s)hack, but August is quite quiet, so hopefully I’ll have it drafted soon.

I’m feeling spurred on by two things – the first of these is the recent tweet-up of the ConnectingHR community that I’m involved in.  Now I try not to bang on about HR too much on this blog – there’s enough of that on the other one – but since I posted on this community here recently, as a basis for discussing my theory of  Individual Divided Participation, it seems to fit to raise it once again.  So the particular point was the reflection of one of the HR people attending who noted ‘there was love in the room’.  There was too, and it got me thinking how useful it would be if organisations could create the same passion as well.

Then secondly, CV Harquail sent me a link to this blog post by Steve Farber, The Love Practicum.  Farber provides the example of one company, Kineticom, which does include love within employee performance management:

“Demonstrating love (of the future we’re working together to create) in the way they work with, serve, and lead the people around them. (Leadership includes peer level.) Love in this sense is a feeling of strong attachment induced by that which delights or commands admiration; preeminent kindness or devotion to another. At its core, being an Extreme Leader means doing what you love in the service of those who love what you do.”


I was going to describe Kineticom as a recruitment agency, but I guess ‘the love shack’ will do.



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