Wednesday 8 February 2012

Klout crossfire at #E20S


   I’ve got another two or three posts to complete on the Enterprise 2.0 Summit, but I’ve just been re-reading through all the tweets whilst sitting at Charles de Gaulle.

Twitter has just done another redesign again (why?!) and I don’t really understand the difference between “interactions” and “mentions” but both of these pages are pretty full.

Mainly though just as a result of one lengthy exchange about – well, actually I’m not quite sure.  And it’s not even something I contributed to but was just involved within.



So does my Klout score really deserve a ‘whooooop’ curve (you know, when you go up and down between your toddler’s fingers) as a result of this?

I rather think not.


Anyway, just to note that I’ll be at a session on social influence – one of a number of very interesting events during Social Media Week London next week – and I’ll be blogging (and tweeting) about it here.


BTW, if you’re not sure what Klout is, or what on earth Twitter mentions might be, well I’m now going to explain them here – sorry (but get with the programme!).



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