Wednesday 12 October 2011

And the analogue workplace?


   In my last post I referred to the maturity of the digital workplace.  I think this is a major aspect of how a business can gain social advantage – but there’s a lot more..

It’s a point I’ve been making recently over at Strategic HCM, writing about the need to extend HR/OD’s focus on Organisation Effectiveness.

What about the physical (analogue vs digital?) workplace, for example?

I’m looking forward to the Workplace Trends conference: Property is a People Business which will focus on ‘how we can create working environments which enhance performance and wellbeing, and explore the techniques used to understand organisations and work processes to inform the property and design community’.

Referring to the need for greater integration between HR and Property professions, Workplace Trends co-chair, Neil Usher notes:

“My plea to the HR and workplace communities is to grow closer for our mutual benefit, to not let this happen again – and perhaps in future we might hold a joint event. At least, that is my intention.”


I think that’s true, but as I’ve already commented,

“I think part of the difficulty is the number of different professionals that need to come together to support social business. HR and Facilities absolutely, but IT, Strategy, Communication, OD, etc too. It's unfortunately very difficult to keep an eye on it all! (I do try).”


HR – OD – Digital Workplace – Property: to me they’re all part of what needs to be a wider movement.  But Property / (the analogue) Workplace definitely plays a major role in this, and I look forward to finding out more at the Workplace Trends conference…



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  • Contact me to create more value for your business
  • jon [dot] ingham [at] social [dash] advantage [dot] com


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