Tuesday 15 June 2010

Enterprise 2.0: CSC and Social Collaboration


DSCN2349   Next up Lemuel Lasher, President, Global Business Solutions Group & Chief Innovation Officer at CSC talking about setting up their Innovation unit:

“CSC has had remarkable success with social business software through a strategic, award-winning initiative called C3 to connect people to people, connect people to content, and connect people to communities. This global social collaboration platform enjoyed early success during its pilot phase collapsing time zones, distance and organizational barriers, reducing business development time and driving revenue and innovation.”


One of the difficulties getting this unit started was agreeing what innovation is.  For CSC it had to be a balance between creativity and discipline, leveraging the company’s intellectual capital.  It’s not just about great ideas, it’s about the business problems we all have.

In CSC, these different elements were coming together like brownian motion, with no direction.  So Lasher focused on leadership, governance, process and enablement – and finally, the tools to support all of this.  And all of this needed to be looked at from a systems perspective (Senge).  Innovation needs to be socialised, externalised, internalised and combined (Nonaka and Takeuchi).

Doing this required the next vs the best practices.  One of the key strategies was to get off Lotus Notes.  So CSC implemented Jive last year, renamed it C3: Connect, Communicate, Collaborate, led by Claire Flanagan, who has just ben promoted live on stage.

This has become the defacto standard for the way they commnicate – they now have 48,000 people on the system one year after implementation.


View today’s keynotes from#e2conf at tv.e2conf.com/ and see my reviews at bit.ly/e20conf (including a presentation from Claire Flanagan!).


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